Workables #8: Sparking Your Practice with the Seinfeld Hack Keep track of your streaks and provide your own positive reinforcement.
Workables #7: Sparking Your Practice with To-do Stacks What's a to-do stack? How can it help you keep your writing on track?
Workables #5: You Need a Jar Ideas can be these wild things, like lightning bugs, that flit about, lighting up and fading out. We need a jar where we can put them.
Workables #4: Creation is Connection As we make things, our brains make connections. When we follow those connections, we find more connections.
Workables #3: Art Comes from Abundance The universe is full of infinitely good ideas and the best way to access them is to practice our craft.
Workables #2: Practice Your Best Material Sometimes, we mistakenly believe we aren't good enough to work on our best ideas.
Workables #1: The Power of Yet "Yet" is not "never." We can keep writing, painting, sculpting, honing, working. We can build, we can grow, we can make, remake and remake again.